
Top-notch billiards tables are a must at Miami Valley Sports Bar. Every night of the week sees action here— we have multiple league options, weekly tournaments, and loads of competitive players all out looking for a game.

Our location has 16 standard 8 foot bar boxes with a beautifully updated and maintained cloth for the perfect roll. We collaborate with our vendor to ensure our tables are level, clean, and playing smoothly to make sure you get the best experience out of each set of quarters you drop.

Pool Leagues

We partner with Shaffer Entertainment and Dayton APA to provide multiple league options, five nights of the week. Teams enjoy the spaciousness, central location, and excellent service we offer when choosing us as their “home bar.” Not to mention, we’re always sure to express our appreciation with an end of the season party and banquet! Seeking more info about leagues or new to the idea?? Check out the links in this section for more information!

Pool Tournaments

Every Monday night we host a Luck of the Draw Scotch Doubles Tournament. Entry is $10 per person with a 100% pot match from MVSB! We usually have a great turnout, so be sure to come out and get signed up early! Play begins promptly at 7:30p.

We also host many other tournaments and events throughout the year so be sure to check our social media to stay up to date with all our upcoming events and tournaments!


  • Each game is $1.25, a price set by our vendor. Our pool tables accept quarters and dollar bills. We have a quarter machine onsite as well as an ATM.

  • We have 16 bar boxes which are standard 8 foot tables.

  • We have multiple pool league options available 5 nights a week. Contact Shaffer Entertainment or Dayton APA to explore different league options!